Doorstop Sitting Hen

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  • Code: P4086-2
  • Size: 26X26 cm
Do you like chickens? Well, this Doorstop Sitting Hen won't squawk or cluck at you but keep your doors open any time of day.
If you want to add a charming rustic appeal in your interior details, make every detail count! This sitting hen doorstop presents a perfect addition that works to prop doors open and will surely be a wonderful and pleasant surprise for guests. Go ahead and generate a few chuckles, people will definitely appreciate your fine attention to even the smallest details. Doorstops used to be a functional piece. But why settle for functional when you can also enjoy its decorative visual impact, right? It's a truly adorable accessory that you can readily use at any door in your house, especially when hosting parties and special events. Doorstops have been proven very effective for propping doors dividing kitchens and dining rooms in order to accommodate extra foot traffic as well as create that illusion of bigger area. Now you can do all those in the most stylish way possible.