Hanging Santa Star Gold

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  • Code: HS0648G-6
  • Material: Metal
  • Size: 14.5x9.5x1.5 cm
Inner Packaging:
  • Weight: 0.40 kg
  • Length: 17.00 cm
  • Width: 13.50 cm
  • Height: 11.00 cm
  • Inner Qty: 6
His flowing white beard is distinctive - the golden star that makes up the torso and the tall hat in glittery gold adds to his ornate avatar and its rather festive look. If you are wanting to add small little lively accents to give you hoe the facelift it needs this season, you could home on to the huge range on offer from Lavida that are suited for all kinds of modern settings.
Give your home something to rejoice this holiday season with this bunch of simply stunningly designed accents that are easy to hang and place across the house and will thrill you with the impact it will have on the interiors. A superb blend of vintage design and modern new feel - this tiny Santa comes in new kind of form - created from a golden star - the tall hat and the flowing long white beard makes Santa's presence all the more obvious. The cheerful face peers right through and warms your heart. Can be hung with ease with the tiny twine that is attached to the top of the star all of 14.5 cm in height. While one point of the start makes up the tip of his hat, the legs and the arms are formed by the four other pints - a clever design that combines the beauty of a golden start with the presence that all of us would love to have around at this time of the year - that of Santa, in any form, and as many in number.