Fluffy Gnome Dobby
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Make a little difference that will go a long way in giving your home the touch of Christmas-after all, there is no escaping the love we feel for Santa and seeing this beautiful one on offer from Lavida-it will be time to fall in love with Santa once again, made of softest of fur and fabric-the knitted cap in red and white adding more charm to it-his dangly legs and super cute face will make him the most adorable addition your spaces will see this season, place him on the console to welcome in the guest or simply keep him in any part of the home that needs a touch of cheeriness. About 40 cm in height, it carries a red polka dotted bag, with secret presents for you all. The poly fill inside the Santa gives it perfect shape that will retain its fluffiness and give it that most adorable plump look. A wonderful means to bring in that festive feel in any part of your home.