Framed Canvas Surfers 5
The Framed Canvas Surfers 5 is a beautiful work of art that aims at presenting one of the favourite past time of Australians - surfing the waves. Apart from the fact that the theme and image of surfers in the sea is actually a lovely and much welcomed sight, this strikingly detailed framed art is also beautiful!
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With the framed art showcasing four people - three males and one female surfing the waves, this Framed Canvas Surfers 5 is indeed a true work of art that deserves to grace the walls of your shop and the homes and offices of your savvy customers. The surfers are presented in shadowed black figures over a somewhat white waves and sea. While three - including the female are on a squatting position on their surfboards, the fourth individual - who is presented in a close-up form, stands tall on his surfboard as he rides on the waves. It is indeed a beautiful sight.