Standing Sign Favourite Hello

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  • Code: SG986-4
  • Material: MDF
  • Size: 7x4x15H cm
Inner Packaging:
  • Weight: 0.60 kg
  • Length: 19.00 cm
  • Width: 10.00 cm
  • Height: 16.00 cm
  • Inner Qty: 4
How easy the words seem to flow when on print. Here is something you have always wished to say to someone you truly love. Making that task so much simpler is this sign board from Lavida that spells out the deepest of your feeling for someone whose presence in your life matters that saying goodbye is impossible. Bring home the depth of your feelings to the surface with this simple gift.
Homes need to resonate with emotions and feelings of those who love in that space and what better way to make that happen than by adding accents to spaces that need a touch of warmth. While artful exhibits can do a great job, some words when laid out on a great looking background too make it to the level of art and this set of words with its meaningful choice of vocabulary does just that. About 15 cm in height this longish sign board is juts about 7 cm in width and thus can be set in a corner of the room on a lonely little table that could do with some warmth in the décor. The white and black lettering style always looks dramatic and most legible even from a distance. Little design details like the tiny heart above the letter 'I' makes all the difference to the way the sentence appears. Fill your home with some more love this end of year and feel its boundless power all around.